Top 20 Reasons to Join The Movement Right Now
1. Connect - Expansion of your sphere of influence (socially and professionally)
2. Showcase - Increased exposure for your talent
3. Affiliate - We are a referral based, loyal group of “members”. Our culture promotes internal referrals
4. Promote - Exclusive opportunity to promote your talent to the group via discussion board or event calendar
5. Privilege - Business partners offer special perks/discounts to PAM members
6. Status - VIP at public events
7. Assemble - Participation in trade shows/expos/events to showcase your talent for a nominal fee
8. Receive - Giveaways and sponsorship opportunities at each event
9. Access - Invites to highly-coveted “member only” events
10. Save - Discounts and complimentary events available for “members only”
11. Associate – PAM is a respected, well-known group of progressive individuals and power hitters
12. Exposure – Exposure Multimedia, Noxx Photography, and ‘Good Good Radio’ cover ongoing events, talent and pacesetters in several prominent markets
13. Adventure - Group rates and exclusive travel options available to members only
14. Earn - Referral points are afforded to members who refer new members
15. Amplify - Member spotlight announcements via newsletter and website
16. Expand - National exposure as additional chapters are established
17. Leverage – PAM members are highly respected and work together on major projects—surround yourself with industry professionals interested in collaborations, etc.
18. Learn - Free admission to power networking events & educational workshops
19. Innovate - unique approach to marketing your talent—other members are approachable, progressive, and business oriented
20. Value - Your membership is highly respected in this competitive industry.

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